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    Welcome to Hengshui Qijia Engineering Materials Co., Ltd!
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    Corrugated pipe culvert

    The current position:Home > Slope protection

    GAR type SNS active protective screening

      GAR type SNS  active protective screening     screening type DO/08/300
      Main protective function: containment action, limit the scope of rockfall movement, partly suppress the occurrence of collapse.
      Criss-cross structure of dia 16 crosswise support ropes and dia 12 lengthways  support ropes make up a 4.5m*4.5m square model (at the edge part, sometimes it’s a 4.5m*2.5m square when needed), lay a DO/08/300/4*4(or 4*2) type wire rope net in the square. Every net is bound to support ropes all around and strained by sewing rope. This tension process makes the system put a autofrettage pressure to the slope surface at a certain direction. Thus improved the stability of the surface soil. The screening will prevent collapse of rock as much as possible, and limit small part of falling rock at a certain space.
    Hengshui Qijia Engineering Materials Co., Ltd.




    Address:Hengshui Taocheng district north industrial base Xiangsu road No.18

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